Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricane Nora

So, a friend of mine posted the other day about he and his husband's imperfect relationship and how he is a bit of a mess maker.  I related and felt for his husband when hearing this, because my hubs is a bit of a slob, as well and I was thinking about all the things he does and ways he doesn't clean up after himself or pretends he can't do something so that I'll just do it for him.  Seriously though, is it all that difficult to move the dishes from the sink into the dishwasher or put the empty cereal box in the recycling or put your dirty socks in the laundry?  Really?  These are things I do simply out of habit, so when it's not done I find it to be a tad annoying at times.  Having said that, I realized this morning that I should thank my lucky stars my husband does what he does and that he is not as messy as a 5 year old.  You see, my child is a disaster.  I know, aren't they all?  However, she is more of one sometimes than others.  Normally my day begins by cleaning up whatever chaos she has left in her wake the night before.  Last night though, I walked into her room and was so stunned I stood there for a few minutes taking it all in.  She has a tendency to wake up at night and eat or play, or what have you.  No worries, I have bells on the doors, just in case she decides one night it would be a good night to take a stroll!  Last night I went to bed about 9:30pm (What?  I'm old!), woke up at 11:30pm, checked in on her and went back to sleep until at 2am, when I woke up again and once more went in to check on her.  Now, sometime in those 2.5 hrs I was sleeping in between my wee love decided to get up from her bed, grab some snacks and throw herself a bit of a party in her room.  Toys were everywhere, books were out of the shelf, puzzles were on the floor...I almost passed out.  It was clean when I went to bed, I cleaned it!  At 2am I, of course, turned myself back around, crawled into bed, closed my eyes and prayed it was all a bad dream.  Alas, it was not.  When I asked her this morning what in the name of God happened in there last night she proclaimed that "the vampire team came in, Mama.  It was scary, but it's ok, I kept us safe."  Uh huh.  *wide eyes*  Vampire team?  Lord.  Where does she get this shit?


  1. Weirder than girls or is it a toss-up?

  2. I have a friend who says that if I ever have children, he's going to buy them 1,000 piece Lego sets and toys that make horrible noises to pay me back for the stuff I've given his kids. LOL! Next time the kids make a mess and he blames me, I'm telling him the vampires did it.

  3. Well, obviously, in your case you have the double whammy of weirdness since Nora is a kid and a girl.


  4. E - Oh my. What have you been buying his children? And you definitely should, it worked for Miss Nora.

    Milo - Ah, that explains it. I knew there was something particularly odd about my child.

  5. I see Milo is being as bratty as a child himself.
