Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Muddled Mess of Shell's Brain

I admit, I can be less than intelligent at times. *points at Iv & P* Hush, peanut gallery! However, this morning I was particularly brilliant. Really, I was.

My husband got up at 5:45am, hence I got up. I've tried sleeping through him getting up, but usually it's rather pointless. I'm a light sleeper and for as small of a guy as he is you would think he would pad quietly through the house. No, not even close. He always feels bad too, “oh babe, I'm so sorry! Did I wake you?” No, love, of course not, the other elephant did. So, this morning we get up and I decide to be a nice wife (happens on occasion) and make him breakfast before he goes to fly his little plane up in the sky.  Well, my husband enjoys biscuits and gravy, so that's what I'm going to make. I don't usually eat it, not that I don't like it, but if I'm aiming for cardiac arrest I'd rather have a snickers. At any rate, there I am, decked out in my jammies, in the kitchen at that ungodly hour when I begin to suffer from morning brain. Truly. It's a sickness. Happens all the time and rarely goes away before the second cup of coffee. Now, I'm making biscuits and gravy, but I decide to do it the easy way since it's entirely too early to actually make anything. Thus, I go to the fridge and pull out the biscuits. I then grab the can opener and begin opening my biscuits. My easy-to-open canned, with a image and nice pull here to open directions with a yellow tab biscuits. At this point you would think some synapses would begin firing and say “Hey Brainiac, unwrap the can.” Alas, that did not happen. Instead, I stood mystified by the oozing dough coming out of the can and yelled (no,honest to God, I did) “Chris! Chris! There's something wrong with the biscuits!”  My husband, who was in his office getting ready, came running in to assist me with my seeping pile of dough, took one look at it, looked at me, busted up laughing, didn't even say anything, just pulled the tab, opened it, handed it back to me, smirked, kissed me on the forehead and walked away. Can you believe that bastard?


  1. First, biscuits and gravy rock, but Milo, of course, makes me homemade (both the biscuits and gravy), second, I was reading this going, but wait, don't they have a pull tab, why is she getting the can opener out? LMAO

    I'll say again, Lord Love a Duck


  2. RNTFLMAO!! Besides that whole thing being a little confusing to me(I assume you don't mean a Choclate Digestive when you say biscuits?) Your right he is such a bastard!!

    Your so pretty Shell!!

  3. Iv - Of course! I make homemade too sometimes, but not at 5:45am, for obvious reasons!

    P - I have no idea what you mean by Chocolate Digestive. *nudges Iv* I need a P translation again.

    Thank you, yes he is!

    LMAO! Hush!

  4. Biscuits for them are more like a cookie kinda thing.

    P, a bicuit here is a fluffy sort of bread roll


  5. This is better!


    They are biscuits I have no idea what you are talking about!! lol

  6. a fluffy sort of bread roll?

    And you have that with gravy?

  7. http://www.mamas-southern-cooking.com/images/biscuits-and-gravy-07.jpg

  8. ugh!!! That did not look nice!! Whats all the white stuff?

  9. lol it's good and it's called country gravy or milk gravy or southern gravy or sausage gravy etc. Milo often makes mine with bacon instead of sausage as that is my preference. It's my favorite breakfast and I usually get it when I have been especially good during the night, LMAO


  10. They taste better than they look, P. I promise!

    LMAO @ Iv! And why aren't you dinning on biscuits and gravy every morning? Huh, slacker? lol

  11. But gravy is brown!! What's in it?

    @ Iv What you don't like sausage? Does Milo know this? So its Milo that takes the sausage then??

  12. Sausage, flour, milk, pepper and salt, although who knows what King Milo uses. lol

    Uh, I'm not commenting about Iv and Milo and the sausage thing! I'll leave that one to Ivie! LMAO.

  13. LMAO! Shell, thanks for giving me the best laugh of the day!

    Perpetua, hon, you haven't lived until you've had cat head biscuits with milk gravy! It is pure, artery-clogging, awesomeness!

    Before you ask, cat head biscuits are called that because they are huge--the size of a cat's head. My grandma made a pan of biscuits every day, and it seemed like all my relatives and neighbors would come by for one.

  14. Oh, every now and then, you might want to make some chocolate gravy for those biscuits.


  15. I love brown gravy P but here in the real world, lol, we have several types of gravy. Beef, mushroom, chicken, turkey, country etc, and all are excellent.

    I take that sausage, yes, if you must know, geez. *rolls eyes*

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Ohhh ok I get ye's!!! We are just calling them different things!! What you are calling gravy I just call a sauce. When I hear gravy I think the juices of whatever meat your eating, cornflour and stock. I have had that white sauce I seen there but we normally have it with fish and there is no meat bits in it!! But yeah I could see how that would be nice! I'm still not sure what exactly are the things you call biscuits! Are they a bread roll? How do you make them?

    @ Iv Yeah ah huh sure the real world!!

  18. E - Glad I could amuse you. I laughed pretty hard throughout the day every time I thought about my ridiculousness too! Maybe I should just let him get his own breakfast from now on! lol
    And oh my goodness, chocolate gravy. YUM! Now that would be worth the cardiac arrest!

    P - I've been using this recipe I got online awhile ago. It's on the all recipes website.
    1 cup flour
    1 1/2 tsp baking powder
    1/8 tsp salt
    1/2 cup milk
    1 teaspoon butter (melted)
    Mix together flour, baking powder and salt. Combine milk and butter. Stir into dry ingredients just until blended. Drop by rounded tbsps onto a greased baking sheet. Bake at 450 degrees F for 10-12 minutes.

    You should ask Milo what his recipe is, since he's the chef of this dysfunctional group of friends. :)
