Sunday, August 7, 2011


Well, I'm back from a weekend away with the wee one, which can't really be classified as anything other than comically disastrous. Still fun though, thankfully.

The ride home was a bit rainy and windy, but it was off and on, so again, not too bad. Other than the half hr drive through the middle of nowhere Florida, where I really really had to go to the bathroom and there was honest-to-God nowhere to stop. I actually considered pulling over on the side of the road, in the rain and running into the woods (yes, I was that desperate), but then I remembered a rather unfortunate incident when I was ten and on a car trip with the fam. I had to go to the bathroom then too and after much begging and pleading convinced my father too pull over. He did, at which point I jumped out and over the guard rail, hunkered down to do my business and upon standing, with panties still around my ankles, mind you, slipped and rolled head over feet down the hill to the gulley below. It was a high point in my life, obviously. One that I recollected as I was debating doing just that and decided very quickly against that course of action! No worries, I made it. LMAO. I don't need depends just yet, people! Give me a few years!

Anyways, upon arriving back home, I found my husband with my very pathetic dog who had apparently been starving himself since I left Friday afternoon. My husband said he was refusing to eat anything and the food and water in his bowls was the same food and water I put in right before leaving. It's ok, my poor pup is no longer on in starvation mode. I went and sat down by his food bowl and hand fed him. He ate it all in a matter of minutes.

Going back to the car ride I was telling you about though, during it my daughter was asking questions about those less fortunate. She's been asking more and more questions like that recently and we were discussing it in detail and during the conversation, I explained again how if you have more than you should give more to those in need. She agreed, but the whole conversation kind of reminded me of this Phil Collins song, which is one of my all time favs.


  1. Glad you made it home safe and sound and without pee all over yourself, :)

  2. Thanks, Iv and yeah pee-free is always best! :D
