Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Attack by Pancake

Tonight, since my husband is working late and it's just my daughter and I, I asked Nora (my daughter) what she wanted me to make her for dinner.  "Pancakes, Mama!" was her rather enthusiastic reply.  Shocking.  9/10 times she will request pancakes when I say she can have whatever she wants.  Maybe I should just start taking the pancake mix out and then asking her, just to be polite.

So, there I am, in my "Mama mode" making her favorite chocolate chip (the chocolate is a must) pancakes and sporting my rather ruffle-happy, cherry pie apron. And all was well, until I handed her the fresh out off the skillet breakfast treat and she forked a piece on the side (you know the little extras you get sometimes when some of the batter decides it doesn't want to join in with it's other pancake batter friends) and somehow launched the hot doughy morsel at my face.  Accidentally, mind you, which is why I wasn't having a fit when said pancake piece hit me in the mouth.  Now, that wouldn't be bad, just a rather hot mouth to pancake contact.  However, those chocolate chips I was talking about?  Yes, well, one raging, I swear lava-filled, piece stuck to the direct middle of my top lip and seared the crap out of it!  I now have a chocolate chip sized burn on my lip.  It's even puffed up a wee bit to let me know it's going to blister soon.

Oh and yes, before anyone asks, I did tell her it was hot before I gave it to her.  More than once!


  1. Woo hoo I am your first follower!

  2. Hey, didn't I make this comment on another post? I am so confused.

    Let that be a lesson to you! Cooking is dangerous!!!!

  3. Lol! Yes, you are and I don't think so! Did you?

    No, no. Cooking is not dangerous, but five year olds are!

  4. Yes Shell cooking is a dngerous activity and should not be mixed with 5 year old Nora's!! **pout** I suppose since you only started this a few days ago I will forgive you for only hearing about it now!!

    How do I get emails sent to me like for ivie's blog? And who is the lady in your picture she is prutty!!

  5. Sorry, love, I was keeping it under wraps! I wasn't sure I would actually post! I just told Ivie about it today too. XOXOXO Oh and I get the hot P pic too! Sweet!

    Um, I don't know, I'll look at the acct settings! And I have absolutely no idea who she is, but she is gorgeous and I would love to see the rest of her!

  6. The one with you and the wine glass I'm seeing, silly!

    There are you are, P. The follow by email gadget is up. Iv found it for me!

  7. Ohh the one with the cocktail? **sigh** I can't fit into that dress anymore so its like to look at it and dream of thinner days!!

    Woohoo done it! Ivie is brilliant!!
