Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Online Madness Rant

You know, being online sometimes, especially in certain venues makes me rather happy I am a woman.  Is it just me or does anyone else find it odd that in places like blogs, goodreads and facebook I am never questioned about my identity.  No one has ever asked me to prove who I am.  Which is grand, because I'm sure I would take such inquiries oh so well.  Yet many of my male friends in these same places have been asked to prove themselves.  And my question is why?  Is it less believable that there are *gasp* gay men reading m/m books?  Please, someone explain it to me, because honestly I just do not understand.  Also, why is it the friends who are not in happy committed relationships are questioned less?  Do we as a society believe that only heterosexuals are capable of loving, lifetime commitments?  I certainly hope not, seeing as how that's asinine. 

Another thing I would like to address is online photos.  No, you don't need to say that's me and use someone else's photo, but it does happen and it is not the absolute worst thing a person can do.  Let's be serious.  No one is getting shot down to the sixth circle of hell for putting a hot pic up that's not them.  In the grand scheme of things it's rather inconsequential in my book.  They are online friends and like real life friends their appearances should not matter.  What someone looks like is irrelevant, it's who they are as people that should matter.

All right, I'm done with my rant.  I'll get off the soap box now and put my bitch to bed.  Good day!


  1. *clap clap* well said. And yes, I am a real person who really reads romances and am really in a long term relatioship. Shocking I know.


  2. It is, Iv! I'm stunned by that revelation. Honest. Lol!

  3. **sigh** Would I really make me up!! LOL

  4. Lmao! Me either, P! If I was going to make me up, I would be way cooler and have mad ninja skills.

  5. And I'd be this with slightly smaller breasts!! LOL

  6. My bad, I meant to sat thin, not this!

  7. P, you already are sexy, sweets and Izzie, can I have some boobage? Add boobage to my list!

  8. On second thought, I take that back! I had large ones when I was preggo and hated them. Ok, yeah, back to just way cool with mad ninja skills. Lol!

  9. **rolls eyes** Shell if you had any more boobage you'd fall over!!!! I'd be a sexy Doctor or a Vetrenarian(Sp)

    To be fair I have already got a really good life so there is not to much I'd change! Awww yeah I know it sappy

  10. ROFLMAO! Think so? I'm a small B! To be fair, I do buy bras with a wee (yes, only a wee) bit of padding to make me look chestier!

    Oh, a vet or dr would be nice and yes, you are sappy. I would do all kind of things, like eliminate my forehead wrinkles and make my ass bigger than a babies bottom. I have no ass. Seriously. No exaggeration. I don't know where it went, there's just this flat padding-less spot under my back. Oh and I would be an archeologist or a criminal profiler!

  11. Girls are weird.


  12. Lmao @ Milo! Indeed. My husband read a book called The Female Brain one time to try and figure me out. He deduced that all women are just screwy in the head.

    P, yes! I would be Lara Croft! :D
