Monday, October 31, 2011


As some of you are aware, I was working a haunted hay maze this past Friday, jumping out of corners, scaring teenagers, who would actually be far less easy to scare if they would close their mouths, but since they talk continuously you always know where they are.  It was the most fun of this entire fundraising endeavor.  One teenage boy knocked his girlfriend on her butt attempting to get away from me, another fell on his face in a mad dash when I freaked him out by being one place and then when the maze diverged in an area that would meet up again, I was in front of him when he came out the other side.  It was good fun.  I enjoyed myself and of course all the girls screamed until I thought my ears would bleed.  It helped that some of us are so familiar with me maze we know our way in and out practically with our eyes closed, which is actually beneficially when you're attempting to scare the pee out of young people.  I had an old hatchet I carried around, it was real, but so dull it wouldn't have cut anything even if you tried. I was there until almost 1am, but the fact that I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time helped make being up that late (may be a first in yrs for me) worth it!

I'm including a pic of how I looked for the maze.  It's not my Killer B costume, of course (unfortunately, I didn't have my camera on me to take a pic of that!  I took the maze pic costume when I came home in the wee hrs of the morning).  I wore the Killer B during the day and the little kids were staring at me going, "I don't get it."  My daughter, however, did and proclaimed that I am very silly.  Anyways, I digress, this is what I looked like for the maze:
I know, I was looking HOT!  :D

I hope you all have a marvelous Halloween!  


  1. I hate those things where people leap out at you. Yuck. I am glad you had fun though, lol. Um, lovely makeup.

  2. Lol! Normally I don't like them much either, however, being the one doing the scaring is fantastic fun!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Btw, my friend, Shayne (the probation kid who is an excellent worker), proclaimed that the most amusing thing all night was me continuously saying, "I'm a girl" in the deepest voice I could muster. The other volunteers were cracking up. I hid my hair under my beanie and all the teenagers kept assuming I was a guy, which is amusing in itself since I'm not that big of a person. Every time they would say something like, "Man, you scared the crap out of me!" or "that guy with the hatchet" I would pipe up with my gender clarification in my most manly voice. :P

  5. Opps! Shane, not Shayne. My bad, I've been reading Shawn Lane's newest book.

  6. **sigh** Scaring the crap outta teenagers...sounds like bliss!! lol

    Your make-up was execllent I have to say that that is the one thing I like about halloween I LOVE face painting! I try to get all creative with the kids but they never seem to want to go with any of my ideas :(

  7. This was such a fun post to read! But, um, I have to speak up for all the teenagers of the world!!! LOL My, my, my. So this is how adults think, huh? But I'm sure you didn't have me in mind? Right? LOL. I hope you know I'm just kidding! :D Love you, Bradley

  8. P - it was bliss! I was highly amused. I want to sign up to work a haunted house next year. lol! Yes, face painting rocks! It's good fun to look a bit creepy for Halloween! I really wanted to face paint Nora and have her standing with a fake knife saying, "come play with me" at the end of the maze, but she would have never made it up that late! Lol! She would love it though!

    Bradley - Thanks! lol! Yes, it is how we think! Horrible, isn't it? :D No, I didn't have you in mind, I wouldn't scare you...not badly anyway! :D Love ya back!

  9. Weird! This came out today in my email!
