Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Attack Puggle

I apologize for being the worst blogger ever!  I could use the fact that I've been busy, out of town and sick as an excuse, but I won't. :)

One of my sister-in-laws got married last weekend.  That was interesting.

I know some of you know this, but I'm going to share a few conversations that took place with my father-in-law over the few days we were in Virginia visiting for the wedding.

Dad: I turn left?
Shell: Yeah, left, right.
D: Right?
S. No!  Left!
D: This left?
S: No, the next left.
D: Where?
S: By the steps.
D: Which steps?
S: Those steps!
D: Those steps?
S: Right!
D: Right?  Now?
S: No!  Left!
*drives past road*

Shell: I'm older than Ms. Thompson
Dad: You're older than Wisconsin?

Shell: That's because of the booze.
Dad: The boobs?
S: Booze!
D: Foods?  Whose?
S! No, booze!
D: Jews?
S: Boobs!  Crap, I mean booze!
D: Boobs?
S: Just drink your boobs and shut up, Tom.

I love him.

On the way home we were stuck in Atlanta (God, I hate flying through that airport) for a few hrs too long, but made it without having to spend the night there, so I wasn't complaining too much.

Then after I picked up my much missed pup from his dog-sitters and had gone to bed I hear this crazy barking and anyone who I've ever talked to about my dog knows he doesn't bark.  Really.  I've had him since 2009 and I've heard him bark maybe 3 times.  So, obviously I jump out of bed to see what all the fuss is about and there's my dog going nuts and it's dark and I can't really make out what he's so upset about, so I go back into the house to get a flash light.  My husband then walks into the living room and asks me whose dog that is (lol) and I tell him Midas and he's as stunned as I am, so we both go out, with the flash light and there's Middy having it out with a armadillo!  I realize what it is and I yell at my dog, honest to god, "Midas!  No!  That's a armadillo!  They're linked to leprosy (I read an article about it one time) and ... and...they have germs!  No!"  He, of course, ignores me and continues his battle, until the poor armadillo turns around, obviously having no knowledge that I'm standing a few feet behind him and heads in my direction.  Oh my!  I squealed and my little pudgy pup lost his mind!  Chris had to intervene and I grabbed Midas and took him inside.  My husband, however, was rather impressed with his new killer instinct possessing dog and kept letting him back outside just to watch him bark.  *rolls eyes*

Here's a pic of my fearsome guy.  Don't mind the butterfly wings, he was playing dress up with Nora.


  1. Leprosy? Seriously? You are nuts! LMAO

    Um, that's one...interesting looking poooch

  2. I'm serious! Look! I googled leprosy and armadillos just now and found the article or at least one like it that I read. *sticks out tongue*

    I know, he's my adorably ugly dog! He's awesome.

  3. Christ almighty woman, leprosy? You actually had time to think of that at a drop of a hat? LOL, you do realise the pooch was protecting his family? As for your hubby, too funny, letting the dog back out to prouve his prowess. I guess as a military man, he could see the appeal. hehehe

  4. Lol! I did, because every time I see the wee beasts I think of it!

    Yeah, he was. It's just funny, I've never seen him do that. I didn't know he had it in him! lol. I gave him a treat that night and said, "Wow, Middy, you're a real dog!" Usually he thinks he's a cat. He even tries to cover up his business after he goes. No lie. I think the stray cat that comes into the back yard every once and awhile had him confused.

    As for my husband *shakes head*, men! :)

  5. Aye he is a right killing machine! LOL I have to say that Armadillo's are a horrible looking creature so I'd be screaming like a little girlie if I was faced with one!

    Do you really call your father in law 'Dad'?

  6. Yes! They are! *shudders*

    Yeah, I do.
