I've been a bit stressed lately. I have a bad tendency to get involved in things too much, where I try and do everything for everyone and belatedly realize I'm up to my forehead in stress and a hairs breath away from a massive breakdown. I volunteer a lot, I know most of you know that and while I do enjoy helping, sometimes it becomes too much. I'm either at the school or the hospital every day and that includes the weekends. I do field trips throughout the weeks this month with the kids every day I'm not at the hospital, which is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On the weekends I work at the school fundraiser that's happening this month, sometimes all day from 10:30am - 9:30pm. I realized last night, as I was going to bed at 8 something because I was so exhausted that I'm spent. I woke up this morning, looked at my house and had a panic attack (I'm a wee bit obsessive about my house, it doesn't have to be perfect, but clean is good). My daughter and my husband helped me get everything in order. I adopted a stray cat that was in a parking lot who was very hungry and flea infested, when I went to lunch last week too, which is odd, because I hate litter boxes, but he's sweet and he loves me and I'm keeping him. At any rate, in order to not break down again I meditated and decided to think about all the things that make me smile. Here is a short list:
My friends (you know who you are and I love you)
Nora's laugh
My husband's kisses
Simon & Midas (pets)
Yoga or a run
Pumpkin spice coffee
*takes a sip of pumpkin spice coffee* See? Bliss. Be well.

Simon is very cute.
ReplyDeleteI am glad things will slow down a bit for you after October. It's been a bit ridiculous. They are crazy there in Florida
He is, he's a sweetie too.
ReplyDeleteMe too and yeah, they are a bit crazy here! :)