Thursday, April 12, 2012

What happened to using the bathroom?

I'm getting ready to leave to go tutor the wee ones, sort of.  I'm having coffee anyway, so that's a step in the right direction.  Thus far this morning my daughter wet her bed, the cat went to the bathroom (all of it) in my daughter's dress up clothes (no, I have no idea why, his litter box is clean.), I found a foreign liquid substance of some kind on the couch (not even going to venture a guess as to what it was, I just cleaned it) and my dear husband forgot our anniversary, although that was rather comical.  Here's a bit how that went:

Morning sometime, very early, before people should actually get up.
Chris: grumbling and growling
Me: "Honey?"
Chris: Makes some form of nonverbal acknowledgement, not quite a grunt, but a vague attempt at one.
Me: "Chris?" *said sweetly with batting lashes*
Chris: "Umpfffgrbble"
Me: "Ok.  Well, have a good day, love."
Chris: Comes over and gives me a peck and turns to, I grab him and pull back.  "I won't crash," he says.
Me: "Uh, that was actually going to be my second line, the first is happy anniversary."
Chris: Turns with look of horror.  "Oh fuck."

Ha!  Poor man.


  1. LOL! Poor hubby...
    {slightly evil grin}

  2. *giggles* You two are so adorable :)
    Always good to keep them on their toes shell and to surprise them from time to time ;D

  3. Somehow, I'm relieved. It feels good to know that mine is not the only one who forgets anniversaries. :P

    Hope that's okay if I stopped by ;)
