Friday, April 27, 2012

Food for Thought

"The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present."

                           - Barbara De Angelis

Monday, April 16, 2012

Little Red

Some of you know I volunteer at my daughter's school, tutoring some of the kindergarten kids in reading or math in a few of the classrooms, depending on what they're working on that day.  Well, one of the kindergarten students (not in either of the classrooms I help) is this little girl I call Little Red, because she's the tiniest one and she has bright red hair and she's mean, oh my good Lord is she mean.  She snaps at other students, she doesn't listen, she curses - she is feisty as hell.  I love her.  I want to put her in my pocket and take her home with me.  She got in loads of trouble last week, so when I was talking to the principle and asked what she did, this is what I was told:  She is continuously saying "shit", she gave one of the teachers a titty twister (seriously), she wiped poop on her shirt (gross gross gross!), and she went into the boy's bathroom to see them pee and when asked why she did so, she said that she "wanted to see it."  Ok, well yeah fine, I draw the line at penises too, but I still want to take her home with me. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What happened to using the bathroom?

I'm getting ready to leave to go tutor the wee ones, sort of.  I'm having coffee anyway, so that's a step in the right direction.  Thus far this morning my daughter wet her bed, the cat went to the bathroom (all of it) in my daughter's dress up clothes (no, I have no idea why, his litter box is clean.), I found a foreign liquid substance of some kind on the couch (not even going to venture a guess as to what it was, I just cleaned it) and my dear husband forgot our anniversary, although that was rather comical.  Here's a bit how that went:

Morning sometime, very early, before people should actually get up.
Chris: grumbling and growling
Me: "Honey?"
Chris: Makes some form of nonverbal acknowledgement, not quite a grunt, but a vague attempt at one.
Me: "Chris?" *said sweetly with batting lashes*
Chris: "Umpfffgrbble"
Me: "Ok.  Well, have a good day, love."
Chris: Comes over and gives me a peck and turns to, I grab him and pull back.  "I won't crash," he says.
Me: "Uh, that was actually going to be my second line, the first is happy anniversary."
Chris: Turns with look of horror.  "Oh fuck."

Ha!  Poor man.