Saturday, January 14, 2012


Made it safely to Jax Beach yesterday after a forever drive in the car with my six year old.  I've come to realize that drives seem to get infinitely longer when you have a child in the car.  Has anyone else noticed this phenomena? 

At any rate, yesterday I wasn't in the best of places mentally anyway, so it may have been beneficial to be in the car the majority of the day where I couldn't really bring others down with my less than stellar attitude.  I'm feeling a bit better this morning, but to be honest, last week was a long one and I'm feeling rather mentally and emotionally fragile and insecure.  Iv helped a lot last night to set my head back on straight, or as straight as it will go, but I always feel guilty later whenever a mental slap is needed.  I'm blessed to have friends that will put up with me whenever I'm a bit off though.

I have a baby shower to attend today and there are family and friends here and it is Jax Beach after all, so really what do I have to complain about?

Here's a video my brother-in-law and I have gotten great enjoyment out of, those of you that are runners may like it as well.


  1. Glad you made it safely to Jax Beach! And sorry to hear things are hard ATM. *hugs* Friends love us when we're happy and when we're not. They're amazing that way :)

    I've come to realize that drives seem to get infinitely longer when you have a child in the car.

    Weirdly I was thinking about this the other day, but from a child's perspective. (I was thinking how driving to a particular place always took less time when I was driving versus when I was younger and someone else was.) I think changes in cars (and speed limits) has made a difference have no concept of distance as a child. *shrug*

  2. You're right, O, good friends are pretty amazing. :)

    True, my daughter probably thinks it's forever long as well! lol.

    *big hugs*

  3. Ohhh. I love me some hugs :) And I just saw Iv's post. Happy Birthday sweetheart! *hugs*
