Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Song of the Day

So, due to a recent, possibly insanity driven decision on my part I have done away with my bipolar meds.  Now, in some cases that's grand because one drug in particular has been a nasty bitch to get off of and I never plan on taking her again, but for the most part it sucks.  And I mean wretchedly sucks.  I'd forgotten how much of a nut I am sans meds.  Thankfully a good friend of mine, Iv, did not forget and will no doubt remind me in the future when necessary.  At any rate, since I truthfully have nothing good to say and am rapidly fluctuating between sobbing my fool head off and wanting to tell any and all living creatures and some unliving ones too to please fuck off I will just share a video of my song of the day, or the one I'm painting to anyway.


  1. Ah my favorite deep dark depressing I want to die song. Lovely. Cheerful as always :)
