Monday, December 5, 2011

The Things I have To Put Up With

5:23 am this morning:

*Chris is poking me with his boy bits and nuzzling*
Chris:  If you have sex with me I'll make you coffee.
Me: It's 5:23 in the morning.  It's inhumane to have sex at this hour.
Chris:  It's good coffee.
Me: Go back to Key West.
Chris:  I love you.
Me: You'll still love me at 7am, we'll talk then.
Chris:  Please, baby.
Me: No.
*more nuzzling*
Me: Are you going to let me sleep?
Chris: After sex.
Me:  That coffee better be like fucking nectar from the Gods.


  1. ha ha ha, too funny. You survived though, obviously.

  2. 5.23??? Good god Columba would have to put a bomb under me to get me awake at that time! And then even his hot arse(or even promises of his anazing tea making skills for that matter) wouldn't get me have sex!

  3. 5.23??? Good god Columba would have to put a bomb under me to get me awake at that time! And then even his hot arse(or even promises of his anazing tea making skills for that matter) wouldn't get me have sex!

  4. That's so funny! Maybe guys are different. I read somewhere that guys are more horny first thing in the morning than women. That could be total BS though. I'm not gonna ask how the sex was, but was that nectar from the Gods worth it? ;)

  5. Not even actual Necter of the Gods could get me up at that time of the day!

    And oops sorry about the last comment coming out twice!!

  6. Lol @ P! Columba is a wise man.

    Brad - It would have been better at 7am with coffee after! *huffs*

    Btw, I'm a wee bit pissy tonight and I got kind of fed up with him and told him if he didn't play with our daughter I was going to poke him. *blank stare from the husband* "With a spoon!" *continues to stare, with a slight grin now* "In the eye! *waves finger around* Don't fuck with me, Herlihy!" *he attacked me and tried kissing me to death while I was reminding him of his to-be demise by my hands* He obviously misunderstood me, perhaps I should get his hearing checked.

  7. Izzie! You're alive! *blows kisses*

  8. I'm sorry, but LOL! But why 5.23 AM? Did he have somewhere to be? Did you? 'Cause with coffee that early you'd be up and about - no sleeping in after the fact *grin*

    Happy New Year sweetie! I hope you and yours have a joyful 2012! *hugs*

  9. Lmao! Who knows, O, he's insane, he doesn't need a reason. :D I believe he was getting up early for work that morning though.

    Happy New Year to you too, hon! I hope 2012 brings you everything you wish for! xo!
