Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, obviously when I last wrote and said I would be posting more often, it was a blatant lie, because it's been since what?  July?  Holy heavenly chickens!  Ah well, the best laid plans and all that.

Well, it's New Years.  I feel as if I should be more excited about that than I actually am.  I remember when New Years meant dancing and drinking and hordes or youthful nonsense.  Now I'm hanging out at home, having a beer, relaxing and pondering whether or not I'll actually make it to the big ball drop.

I've been mulling over life the past year though.  How much things have changed, and what will be changing in the coming months.  As some of you know I moved in September and will be moving again early this summer.  Exciting?  Yes, but sometimes I wonder if the constant movement makes it too easy for me to simply disappear.  There have been many nice memories in the year past though.  Nora, for one, always makes me smile and she had some classic one liners not to be forgotten.  That kid is either going to be a comedian, a psycho, or a lawyer.  The verdict's still out.  At my sister-in-law's baby shower she lifted up a present and proclaimed, "Pants - really big pants", she renamed stockings shoe pockets, when asked if she was eating a ginger bread house for dinner, she stated that she was simply having the house special, and she informed me she's unlike any other child in the world.  She's just like a grown up. Apparently I missed that memo.  There were tons more, but those are the few that popped into my head first.  There are also dear friends, they know who they are, that made this past year a little brighter, full of love and unwavering support.  I owe them more than I could ever repay.

Well, that's all, a new year is coming.  The Mayans were wrong, Dec. 2012 wasn't the end of the world; thank God too, I still need to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up. 

Take care everyone, stay safe and have a wonderful New Year.