Thursday, May 24, 2012

Field Trip

Field trip today, somewhere an hour drive into Alabama with a large number of kindergarteners. *wide eyes*. Should be interesting, it's too see reptiles, amphibians and the like. Oh boy. Wish me luck!

Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm Brilliant

So, I spent part of my day today outside in my garage painting the background color for a 2'x 2' L I'm making for a teacher.  Yes, you read that right.  What?  She's a kindergarten teacher.  Don't judge me!  As I was saying, I was out there painting away and on my third coat of a pretty blue when I actually looked at my L, which at the time wasn't an L at all, but a backwards L or maybe half of a square.  I'd been painting the back.  Only took me three coats of paint to realize it!  Awesome.  Sometimes my gift of observation amazes even me.  Fuck. Guess I better turn it over, huh?